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مقررات الفصل الدراسى الأول العام الجامعى 2013/2014
- التفاصيل
- الزيارات: 4819
استعدادا للعام الدراسى الجديد تمت الموافقة من قبل أقسام
الكلية على المقررات الأتية لتكون متاحة للتسجيل لمرحلة
البكالوريوس الفصل الدراسي الأول العام الجامعى
2013/2014 ، والمقررات كالتالى
وافق قسم نظم المعلومات على فتح المقررات الأتية:
المقرر |
القائم بالتدريس |
قواعد البيانات -1 |
د.شيماء عزت - د.ليلى عبد اللطيف |
حقوق الانسان |
د.مروة صلاح - د.محمود مصطفى |
نظم دعم القرار |
د.مروة صلاح |
تخزين واسترجاع البيانات |
د.أمانى عبده |
تحليل وتصميم النظم-1 |
د.منال عبد القادر |
نظم معلومات إدارية |
د.منال عبد القادر |
تطبيقات الانترنت |
د.منى نصر |
تأكيد جودة البرمجيات |
د.أحمد بهاء الدين |
أساسيات النظم |
د.شريف خليف |
أخلاقيات المهنة |
د.شريف خليف |
محاكاة ونمذجة |
د.أسامة إمام |
التنقيب فى البيانات |
د.شيماء عزت - د.ليلى عبد اللطيف |
موضوعات نظم-1 |
د.محمود مصطفى |
بحوث العمليات |
أ.د.تركى سلطان - د.أسامة إمام |
موضوعات مختارة فى نظم-3 |
أ.د.أحمد شرف الدين أحمد |
نظم قواعد البيانات-2 |
د.محمود عبد اللطيف |
كما وافق قسم تكنولوجيا المعلومات على فتح المقررات الأتية:
المقرر |
القائم بالتدريس |
عمارة الحاسبات |
د.طه المهدى |
نظم الرسم بالحاسب |
د.ماجد وافى |
تكنولوجيا الإتصالات |
د.حسام شمردن |
الوسائط المتعددة |
د.نهلة النجار |
موضوعات مختارة 1 |
د.رويدا |
كما وافق قسم علوم الحاسب على فتح المقررات الأتية:
المستوى |
المقرر |
القائم بالتدريس |
الثاني |
برمجة الحاسب-2 |
د/ أيمن عزت |
الثاني |
تصميم منطقي |
د/ وسام البهيدي |
الثاني |
هياكل بيانات |
د/ مروة عبد الفتاح |
الثالث (علوم حاسب) |
مقرر اختياري 1 (موضوعات مختارة في علوم الحاسب) |
د/ وليد يوسف |
الثالث (علوم حاسب) |
تنظيم الحاسبات |
أ.د/ علياء يوسف |
الثالث (علوم حاسب) |
مفاهيم لغات الحاسب |
د/ إنصاف حسين |
الثالث (علوم حاسب) |
الذكاء الاصطناعي |
د/ هالة عبد الجليل |
الرابع (علوم حاسب) |
نظم تشغيل-2 |
أ.م.د/ محمد حجاج |
الرابع (علوم حاسب) |
المعالجة على التوازي |
د/ أمل أبو طبل |
الرابع (علوم حاسب) |
معالجة الصور -1 |
د/ طه المهدي |
موضوعات مختارة 3 |
د/ وليد يوسف |
مقدمة في علوم الحاسب |
د/ وسام البهيدي - د/ إنصاف حسين |
2006 Achievements
- التفاصيل
- الزيارات: 2894
FIRST PLACE, Egyptian Engineering Day “EED” 2006 IT-Computer Science Challenge
Title: Visual Interpretation of Hand Gestures
Team Members: Ahmed Tarek Ahmed, Hany Mohamed Shafik, Khaled Hany Abd-El-Mageed, Mohamed Faroq Mahdy, Shady Hosny Yussif, and Shady Mustafa Naguib
Supervisor: Prof. Aliaa Abdel-Haleim Abdel-Razik Youssif
Teaching Assistant Assigned: Mr. Amr S. Ghoneim
The project is a computer vision system that recognizes hand gestures in real-time. Current user interfaces are unsuited to harness the full power of computers. Mobile devices like cell phones and technologies such as virtual reality demand a richer set of interaction modalities to overcome situational constraints and to fully leverage human expressiveness. Hand gesture recognition lets humans use their most versatile instrument – their hands – in more natural and effective ways than currently possible. Gesture recognition will allow future human computer interfaces to be more intuitive and user-friendly than traditional interfaces. Gesture recognition with computer vision is non-invasive and more flexible. Yet, it faces difficulties due to the hand’s complexity, lighting conditions, background artifacts, and user differences.
Our goal is to contribute to the available interface modalities and to widen the human-computer interface channel. Leveraging more of our expressiveness and our physical abilities offers new and advantageous ways to communicate with machines.
(Figure Above) The ‘Visual Interpretation of Hand Gestures’ team members in the EED 2006 event, taking a photo with Dr. Ahmed Darweesh, the Minister of state for Administrative Development.
(Figure Above) The ‘Visual Interpretation of Hand Gestures’ team members, with their teaching assistant.
(Figure Above) Al-Ahram Egyptian newspaper, for Thursday January 25, 2007 (Issue # 43879, 35th page) an article about the proposed Visual Interpretation of Hand Gestures project.
FIFTH PLACE, Made-In-Egypt “MIE” 2006 Undergraduates “Graduation Projects” Challenge
Title: Vehicle Recognition
Team Members: Amira Mohammed Awwad, Amira Mohammed Mohsen, Eman Ahmed Ebrahim, Esraa Ali Hassan, Khadiga Hassan Mahmoud, Nahla Ahmed Ali
Supervisor: Prof. Aliaa Abdel-Haleim Abdel-Razik Youssif
Teaching Assistant Assigned: Mr. Amr S. Ghoneim
Vehicle recognition is the area in computer vision that is concerned with extracting information about vehicles from http://www.fcih.net/main/images or videos; it includes many different categories such as vehicle detection, license plate detection (LPD), license plate recognition (LPR), vehicle’s color recognition and others. The proposed system aims in detecting the vehicle, recognizing its make-and-model (MMR), and detecting its license plate if possible from a single image/video. Vehicle detection is a fairly explored problem, but in contrast the MMR is an unexplored one as it needs a huge database that stores all possible vehicles makes and models to compare the input image with. The proposed system mainly can be divided into four phases;
- Vehicle detection from a static image which aims to detect all vehicles that appear in the image,
- Vehicle detection from videos which aims again to detect the presence of all vehicles, but from videos using the motion detection,
- Make-and-model recognition subsystem takes the segmented image (the one with a detected vehicle) and recognizes its make and model, and
- Finally, the license plate detection subsystem detects the license plate from the segmented vehicle’s image if it possible.
Overall, the system detects the vehicle by extracting the input image’s features by SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform), then clustering the features by k-means clustering, then classify it by a trained SVM (Support Vector Machine) classifier, then localize the vehicle using neighborhood suppression technique with good detection results that is about 81% of tested samples, the output segmented vehicle is recognized by the make and model using 2D template matching technique that searches on a predefined database of models with results 85%, and the LPD uses line extraction algorithm, then rectangular region detection, followed by texture classifier to detect the license plate with about 80% correct results of the test samples. The proposed vehicle recognition system will provide valuable situational information for law enforcement units in a variety of civil infrastructures.
(Figure Above) The ‘Vehicle Recognition’ team members in the EED 2006 event, taking a photo with Dr. Ahmed Darweesh, the Minister of state for Administrative Development.
(Figure Above) The ‘Vehicle Recognition’ team members, with their supervisor.
(Figure Above) Al-Ahram Egyptian newspaper for Thursday February 1, 2007 (Issue # 43886, 32nd page), an article about the proposed Vehicle Recognition project.
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