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أحدث الاخبار

توصيف البرنامج cs

University: Helwan University

Faculty: Faculty of Computers and Information

Department: Computer Science Department


Programme Specification

A- Basic Information


1- Programme Title: Computer Science

2- Programme Type:    Single                          Double                                    Multiple

3- Department(s): Computer Science

4- Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Iraqy Khalifa

5- Last Date of Programme Specification Approval: Jan 2010

6- Year: 2010


B- Professional Information


1- Programme aims

·      Enable graduates to exhibit a high level of practical and theoretical skills over a broad range of Computer Science together with knowledge of currently available techniques and technologies.

·      Explore the principles that support developments in a rapidly changing environment.

·      Provide opportunities for students to understand the wide range of research challenges facing Computer Science, as well as the breadth and depth of research undertaken in this top-rated school, so they are prepared to get on research here or elsewhere.

·      Develop competent professionals able to play a leading part in many different commercial, industrial and academic activities and adapt rapidly to changing technology.

·      Meet industry demand for high caliber graduates who will take a lead in continuing technological change.

·      Prepare students for the social, organizational and professional context in which they will be working.

2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)


A-     Knowledge and understanding

A1. Apply the basics of Physics.

A2. Apply the basics of Electronics for Digital Design.

A3. Describe and model Mathematical Problems.

A4. Apply the basics of Calculus.

A5. Apply the Statistical Methods.

A6. Describe the Modeling Problems.

A7. Define the basics of Computer Systems.

A8. Apply Programming to solve Problems.

A9. Apply the Problem Solving Techniques.

A10. Apply the basics of Discrete Mathematics.

A11. Recognize Operating Systems Designs.

A12. Demonstrate the basics of Computer Components.

A13. Apply the Data Analysis process.

A14. Elaborate Selected Topics in Pattern Recognition and Image Processing.

A15. Recognize Artificial Intelligent Principles.

A16. Represent essential knowledge of Computer Graphics.

A17. Represent essential knowledge of Translators Design.

A18. Recognize Computer Networks.

A19. Outline the principles of Software Engineering.

A20. Extrapolate the engineering process of software production.

A21. Apply the principles of Object-Oriented Programming.

A22. Identify the basics of Economics and Management.

A23. Recognize the logic of Digital Circuits.

A24. Abstract the principles of Information Systems.

A25. Apply the principles of Internet Technologies.

A26. Apply the principles of Information Technologies.

A27. Clarify advanced topics in Computer Science.


Knowledge and understanding are developed through participation in lectures, tutorials, labs and workshops, directed and general reading, and primary and secondary search, e.g. using the Internet, library, etc.


B-    Intellectual skills

B1. Recognize and assemble components.

B2. Select appropriate Mathematical method to solve a specific problem.

B3. Develop Analytical Skills.

B4. Formulate and test Concepts and Hypothesis.

B5. Collaborate Modeling and Simulation.

B6. Diagnose the potential and the limitations of Computers.

B7. Create computer algorithms to solve different problems.  

B8. Gather and assess relevant information, using abstract ideas to interpret it effectively.

B9. Design and implement Programming methods.  

B10. Distinguish Diagnosis Techniques.

B11. Plan, conduct and present Software Projects.

B12. Locate and assess the strengths and weaknesses of the problem argument (Critical reasoning).

B13. Design different Pattern Recognition techniques.  

B14. Develop the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives (Management skills).

B15. Focus, gather information, integrate, and evaluate the data for Problem Solving.

B16. Work effectively, independently or as a part of a team.

B17. Examine problems carefully and effectively.

B18. Classify different problems.

B19. Devise a solution to practical problems.

B20. Design software solutions to real world problems.

B21. Design and analyze Problems.

B22. Compare methods with data.

B23. Classify different Data types.

B24. Represent Data structures.


Intellectual skills are developed through successful completion of set assessment tasks, self-appraisal and self-evaluation, and critical evaluation of concepts, assumptions, arguments and data

    C- Professional and Practical skills

C1. Choose the appropriate Programming Language.

C2. Choose the appropriate Operating system.

C3. Communicate effectively.

C4. Lead a team and Work in a team.

C5. Acquire information independently.

C6. Present effectively in a Seminar.

C7. Prepare Technical Reports.

C8. Investigate and use of Information Technology skills.

C9. Design computer-based systems.

C10. Develop computer-based systems.

C11. Evaluate systems in terms of quality attributes.

C12. Apply principles of effective information management.

C13. Investigate different techniques of information retrieval.

C14. Develop an effective risk management plan.  

C15. Detect safety aspects.                                 

C16. Deploy the tools for software projects documentation.

C17. Discover efficient design of human-computer interfaces.

C18. Design of web pages based on the principles of human-computer interactions.

C19. Design multimedia systems based on the principles of human-computer interactions.

C20. Discover efficient design of computer-based systems.


    D- General and Transferable skills

D1. Practice Communication skills in English.

D2. Practice Independent Learning techniques.

D3. Use different Problem solving techniques.

D4. Follow Analytical Thinking.

D5. Follow Creative Thinking.

D6. Use Modeling capability in software projects.

D7. Use Effective reasoning in problem solving.

D8. Practice Management Skills.

D9. Follow ethics in research and work.

D10. Specify the applied human rights.

D11. Clarify Ideas formulation and presentation.

D12. Use Logical inference in problem solving.

D13. Practice Designing skills in software projects.

D14. Practice Engineering skills for software development.


Skills for life and work (general skills) are developed through working in groups to complete work set, such as presentations and projects and managing time to complete assignments by deadlines.


3- Academic Reference Standards


We used the National Academic References Standards (NARS) for Computing Academic Programs, developed by Computing and Engineering Sector in the Supreme Council of Universities.


3.1 Matching the academic reference standards to the programme's ILOs


1. Knowledge and Understanding


National Academic Reference Standards

The programmer's ILOs

a. Essential mathematics for CS

A3. Describe and model Mathematical Problems.

A4. Apply the basics of Calculus.

A10. Apply the basics of Discrete Mathematics.

b. Use of high level languages

A6. Describe the Modeling Problems.

A8. Apply Programming to solve Problems.

A9. Apply the Problem Solving Techniques.


c. Core of the algebra, applied math and statistics

A3. Describe and model Mathematical Problems.

A4. Apply the basics of Calculus.

A5. Apply the Statistical Methods.

A10. Apply the basics of Discrete Mathematics.


A2. Apply the basics of Electronics for Digital Design.


d. Analyze data

A13. Apply the Data Analysis process.

e. Principles of AI, graphics and DB

A15. Recognize Artificial Intelligent Principles.

A16. Represent essential knowledge of Computer Graphics.

f. Principles of AI, image processing

A14. Elaborate Selected Topics in Pattern Recognition and Image Processing.

A15. Recognize Artificial Intelligent Principles.

g. H/W and S/W architectures, S/W engineering, operating systems and S/W tools

A11. Recognize Operating Systems Designs.

A17. Represent essential knowledge of Translators Design.

A18. Recognize Computer Networks.

A19. Outline the principles of Software Engineering.

A20. Extrapolate the engineering process of Software production.

h. topics such as H/W systems design, object orient analysis and AI

A7. Define the basics of Computer Systems

A12. Demonstrate the basics of Computer Components.

A21. Apply the principles of Object-Oriented Programming.


A1. Apply the basics of Physics.

A22. Identify the basics of Economics and Management.

A23. Recognize the logic of Digital Circuits.


A24. Abstract the principles of Information Systems.

A25. Apply the principles of Internet Technologies.

A26. Apply the principles of Information Technologies.

A27. Clarify advanced topics in Computer Science.



2. Intellectual Skills


National Academic Reference Standards

The programmer's ILOs

a. Define problems and set goals towards solution

B7. Create computer algorithms to solve different problems. 

B21. Design and analyze Problems.

b. Perform comparison between methods or data

B17. Examine problems carefully and effectively.

B22. Compare methods with data.

c. Perform classification of data/problems/ algorithms

B18. Classify different problems.

B23. Classify different Data types.

d. Identify components/relations/ patterns

B1. Recognize and assemble components.

B13. Design different Pattern Recognition techniques.

e. Summarize solutions and results

B7. Create computer algorithms to solve different problems. 

f. Restrict solution methodologies

B6. Diagnose the potential and the limitations of Computers.

g. Establish criteria and verify solutions

B4. Formulate and test Concepts and Hypothesis.

h. Identify solutions and evaluate them

B5. Collaborate Modeling and Simulation.

i. Solve CS problems

B9. Design and implement Programming methods. 

B19. Devise a solution to practical problems.

j. Generate innovative designs

B9. Design and implement Programming methods. 

B11. Plan, conduct and present Software Projects.

B15. Focus, gather information, integrate, and evaluate the data for Problem Solving.

B20. Design software solutions to real world problems.



B2. Select appropriate Mathematical method to solve a specific problem.

B3. Develop Analytical Skills.

B8. Gather and assess relevant information, using abstract ideas to interpret it effectively.

B10. Distinguish Diagnosis Techniques.

B12. Locate and assess the strengths and weaknesses of the problem argument (Critical reasoning).

B14. Develop the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives (Management skills).

B16. Work effectively, independently or as a part of a team.

B24. Represent Data structures.



3. Professional and Practical Skills


National Academic Reference Standards

The programmer's ILOs

a. Appropriate PL, web-based systems and tools, DB systems

C1. Choose the appropriate Programming Language.

C2. Choose the appropriate Operating system.

b. Communication skills

C3. Communicate effectively.

c. Work in a team

C4. Lead a team and Work in a team.

d. Independent information acquisition

C5. Acquire information independently.

e. Present seminars

C6. Present effectively in a Seminar.

f. Independent information acquisition

C5. Acquire information independently.

g. Prepare technical reports

C7. Prepare Technical Reports.

h. Design computer-based systems

C9. Design computer-based systems.

C10. Develop computer-based systems.

C20. Discover efficient design of computer-based systems.

i. Evaluate systems based on quality attributes

C11. Evaluate systems in terms of quality attributes.

j. Principles of information management, information retrieval

C8. Investigate and use of Information Technology skills.

C12. Apply principles of effective information management.

C13. Investigate different techniques of information retrieval.

k. Human-machine interactions for interfaces, web pages and multimedia systems

C17. Discover efficient design of human-computer interfaces.

C18. Design of web pages based on the principles of human-computer interactions.

C19. Design multimedia systems based on the principles of human-computer interactions.

l. Identify risks, safety aspects

C14. Develop an effective risk management plan. 

C15. Detect safety aspects.   

m. Deploy effective tools for documentation, whole process for using computers to solve practical problems

C16. Deploy the tools for software projects documentation.


4. General and transferable skills

National Academic Reference Standards

The programmer's ILOs


D1. Practice Communication skills in English.

D2. Practice Independent Learning techniques.

D3. Use different Problem Solving techniques.

D4. Follow Analytical Thinking.

D5. Follow Creative Thinking.

D6. Use Modeling capability in software projects.

D7. Use Effective reasoning in problem solving.

D8. Practice Management Skills.

D9. Follow ethics in research and work.

D10. Specify the applied human rights.

D11. Clarify Ideas formulation and presentation.

D12. Use Logical inference in problem solving.

D13. Practice Designing skills in software projects.

D14. Practice Engineering skills for software development.




4- Academic Reference Marks





5- Curriculum Structure and Contents


        5.a- Programme duration: At least 4 years


6- Program courses


A) General Requirements

  1) المتطلبات العامة

  12 ساعة معتمدة (6 إجباري + 6 اختياري)

رقم المقرر
اسم المقرر

عدد الساعات المعتمدة


تمارين / عملي

المتطلب السابق


مواد إجبارية (6 ساعات 3 مقرر)





أنس 111

HU 111

لغة إنجليزية -1

English I   



- /-


أنس 112

HU 112

لغة إنجليزية -2

English II   



- /-


أنس 313

HU 313

حقوق الإنسان

                                         Human Rights



- /-



مواد اختيارية ( 6 ساعات 2 مقرر)





أنس 121

HU 121

مبادئ الاقتصاد

Fundamentals of Economics



- /-


أنس 213

HU 213

لغة إنجليزية 3

English 111




لغة انجليزية 1،2

أنس 323

HU 323

مبادئ المحاسبة 

Fundamentals of Accounting



- /-


أنس 331

HU 331

مهارات التفاوض والاتصال

Communication & Negotiation Skills



- /-


أنس 332

HU 332

التفكير الإبداعي

Creative Thinking



- /-


أنس 333

HU 333


Mass Communication



- /-


أنس 334

HU 334

أخلاقيات المهنة

Professional Ethics



- /-



B) Faculty Requirements

2) متطلبات الكلية

72 ساعة معتمدة (63 ساعة إجباري + 9  ساعة اختياري)


(أ) المتطلبات الإجبارية 63 ساعة معتمدة


رقم المقرر
اسم المقرر

الساعات المعتمدة


تمارين/ عملي

المتطلب السابق


MA 111

رياضيات – 1



 2 / -


Mathematics – 1


MA 112

تراكيب محددة



2 / -


Discrete Mathematics


MA 113

رياضيات 2



2 / -

رياضيات 1

       ريض  111

Mathematics – 2


ST 121

إحصاء واحتمالات 1



2 / -


Probability and Statistics

تقن 111

IT 111

الكترونيات 1



- / 2



فيز 111

PH 111




- / 2




CS 111

مقدمة فى الحاسبات



- / 2


Introduction to Computers


CS 112

برمجة الحاسبات 1



- / 2

مقدمة فى الحاسبات

حسب 111

Programming – 1


CS 221

تصميم منطقي



2 / -


Logic Design



رقم المقرر
اسم المقرر

الساعات المعتمدة




المتطلب السابق


CS 214

هياكل البيانات



- / 2

برمجة الحاسبات-1

حسب – 112

Data Structures


CS 316





2 / -

برمجة الحاسبات-1

حسب 112

تقن 221

IT 221

تراسل البيانات



2 / -

رياضيات 2

ريض  113

Data Communication

نال 240

IS 240

بحوث العمليات



2 / -


Operations Research

أنس 122

HU 122

مبادئ الإدارة

Fundamentals of Management



- /-


نال 231

IS 231

أساسيات نظم المعلومات



- / 2


Fundamentals of Information Systems

نال 211

IS 211

نظم قواعد البيانات 1



- / 2


Database System – 1

تقن 222

IT 222

شبكات الحاسبات 1



- / 2

تراسل البيانات

تقن 221

Computer Networks – 1

تقن 223

IT 223

تكنولوجيا الإنترنت



- / 2


Internet Technology


CS 241

نظم التشغيل 1



- / 2

برمجة الحاسبات-1

حسب 112


Operating Systems – 1


CS 251

هندسة البرمجيات – 1



2 / -

مقدمة حاسبات

حسب 111

Software Engineering – 1


CS 213

برمجة الحاسبات 2



- / 2

برمجة الحاسبات-1

حسب 112


Programming – 2





20 / 22



(ب) المتطلبات الاختيارية 9 ساعات معتمدة


رقم المقرر
اسم المقرر

الساعات المعتمدة




المتطلب السابق

احص 122

ST 122

إحصاء واحتمالات 2



2 / -

إحصاء واحتمالات–1

           احص 121

Probability and Statistics – 2

نال 315

IS 351

تحليل و تصميم نظم المعلومات - 1

System Analysis and Design - 1



2 / -



ريض 214

MA 214

رياضيات 3



2 / -

رياضيات-  2

ريض  113

Mathematics – 3

نال 321

IS 321

إدارة المشروعات



2 / -


Projects Management

تقن 241

IT 241

إشارات ونظم



2 / -

رياضيات 2


Signals and Systems

نال 342

IS 342

لغات المحاكاة

Simulation Languages



- / 2

نمذجة و المحاكاة

نال  241

حسب 313

CS 313

برمجة الحاسبات 3

Programming – 3



- / 2

برمجة الحاسبات-2

حسب 213

تقن 211

IT 211

صيانة الحاسب

Computer Maintenance





نال 241

IS 241

النمذجة والمحاكاة

Modeling and Simulation



2 / -


C) Department Requirements

3) متطلبات القسم


أ- المقررات الإجبارية

   ( 30 ساعة معتمدة )


رقم المقرر
اسم المقـــرر

الساعات المعتمدة


تمارين / عملي

المتطلب السابق

حسب 317

CS 317

مفاهيم لغات الحاسب



2 / -

برمجة – 2

حسب  213 cs

Concepts of Programming Languages

حسب 322

CS 322

تنظيم الحاسبات



2 / -

- تصميم منطقى

حسب 221

Computer Organization

تقن 331

IT 331

نظم الرسم بالحاسب 1



- / 2

برمجة الحاسبات –1

         حسب 112


Computer Graphics – 1

حسب 342

CS 342

نظم التشغيل 2



- / 2

نظم التشغيل 1

         حسب 241

Operating Systems – 2

حسب 352

CS 352

هندسة البرمجيات 2



- / 2

هندسة البرمجيات 1

حسب - 251

Software Engineering – 2

تقن 433

IT 433

الوسائط المتعددة



- / 2

برمجة الحاسبات 1

حسب 112


حسب 361

CS 361

الذكاء الاصطناعي



- / 2

برمجة الحاسبات 1

حسب 112

Artificial Intelligence

حسب 419

CS 419





2 / -

هياكل بيانات

حسب 214

حسب 498

CS 498




- / 6

هندسة البرمجيات 1

حسب – 251



ب- المقررات الاختيارية

    ( 15 ساعة معتمدة )


رقم المقرر
اسم المقـــرر

الساعات المعتمدة


تمارين / عملي

المتطلب السابق

حسب 423

CS 423

تنظيم حاسبات متقدم



2 / -

التصميم المنطقي

حسب  221

Advanced Computer Organization

تقن 313

IT 313

مواجهات الحاسبات



2 / -

المعالجات الدقيقة

تقن 312

Computer Interfaces

تقن 322

IT 322

شبكات الحاسبات 2



- / 2

شبكات الحاسبات – 1

              تقن   222

Computers Networks – 2

تقن 342

IT 342

التعرف على الأنماط



2 / -


Pattern recognition

نال 345

IS 345

تطبيقات الإنترنت



- / 2

تكنولوجيا الإنترنت


Internet Applications

حسب 462

CS  462

معالجة اللغات الطبيعية



2 / -

الذكاء الأصطناعى

حسب 361

Natural Languages Processing

حسب 471

CS 471

المعالجة على التوازي



- / 2

تنظيم الحاسبات

حسب  322

Parallel Processing

حسب 318

CS 318

لغة التجميع



- / 2

المعالجات الدقيقة

تقن 312

Assembly Language

تقن 444

IT 444

الرؤية بالحاسب



- / 2


 حسب 316

Computer Vision

تقن 441

IT 441

معالجة الصور 1



- / 2


حسب 316


Image Processing – 1





رقم المقرر
اسم المقـــرر

الساعات المعتمدة


تمارين / عملي

المتطلب السابق

نال 312

IS 312

نظم قواعد البيانات 2

Database Systems – 2



- / 2

نظم قواعد البيانات 1

نال 211


حسب 395

CS 395

موضوعات مختارة فى علوم الحاسب-1

Selected Topics in Computer Science- 1




المستوى الثالث

حسب 396

CS 396

موضوعات مختارة فى علوم الحاسب-2

Selected Topics in Computer Science 2




المستوى الثالث

حسب 495

CS 495

موضوعات مختارة فى علوم الحاسب-3

Selected Topics in Computer Science-3



2 / -


المستوى الرابع

حسب 496

CS 496

موضوعات مختارة فى علوم الحاسب-4



2 / -

المستوى الرابع

Selected Topics in Computer Science-4

تقن 312

IT 312

المعالجات الدقيقة



- / 2

التصميم المنطقي

حسب  221










D) Minor Specialization

The student should select a minor specialization either in:

            * Information Technology

            * Information Systems


(أ) تخصص فرعي تكنولوجيا المعلومات

يدرس الطالب 15 ساعة معتمدة من بين المقررات التالية :


رقم المقرر
اسم المقـــرر

الساعات المعتمدة


تمارين / عملي

المتطلب السابق

تقن 311

IT 311

عمارة الحاسبات



2 / -

التصميم المنطقي

حسب 221

Computer Architecture

تقن 321

IT 321

تكنولوجيا الاتصالات



- / 2

تراسل البيانات

تقن 221

Communication Technology

تقن 322

IT 322

شبكات الحاسبات – 2



- / 2

شبكات الحاسبات 1

تقن 222

Computers Network –2

تقن 331

IT 331

نظم الرسم بالحاسب 1



- / 2

برمجة الحاسبات 1

حسب 112

Computer Graphics – 1

تقن 341

IT 341

معالجة الإشارات الرقمية



2 / -

اشارات ونظم

تقن 241

Digital Signal Processing

تقن 342

IT 342

التعرف على الأنماط



2 / -


Pattern Recognitions

تقن 433

IT 433

الوسائط المتعددة



- / 2

برمجة الحاسبات 1

حسب 112


تقن 441

IT 441

معالجة الصور -1



- / 2


حسب 316

Image Processing – 1


(ب) تخصص فرعي نظم المعلومات

يدرس الطالب 15 ساعة معتمدة من بين المقررات التالية :


رقم المقرر
اسم المقـــرر

الساعات المعتمدة


تمارين / عملي 

المتطلب السابق

نال 345

IS 345

تطبيقات الإنترنت



- / 2

تكنولوجيا الإنترنت

تقن 223

Internet Applications

نال 312

IS 312

نظم قواعد البيانات 2



- / 2

نظم قواعد البيانات 1

نال 211

Database Systems – 2

نال 313

IS 313

تخزين واسترجاع البيانات



2 / -

نظم قواعد البيانات 1

نال 211

Inf . Storage and Retrieval

نال 351

IS 351

تحليل وتصميم نظم المعلومات – 1



2 / -


Analysis and Design of Information Systems –1

نال 352

IS 352

تحليل وتصميم نظم المعلومات 2



- / 2

تحليل وتصميم نظم

المعلومات 1

نال 351

Analysis and Design of Information Systems-2

تقن 433

IT 433

الوسائط المتعددة



- / 2

برمجة الحاسبات -1

حسب 112


نال 333

IS 333

نظم المعلومات الإدارية

Management Information Systems



2 / -

أساسيات نظم المعلومات



IS 451

نظم دعم اتخاذ القرار

Decision Support Systems



- / 2

أساسيات نظم المعلومات


نال 435

IS 435

إدارة مراكز المعلومات

Information Canters Management



2 / -

أساسيات نظم المعلومات




6.1 The Courses and their ILOs

a) Obligatory Course

a.1) General



Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

Knowledge and understanding

Intellectual Skills

Professional and practical skills

General and Transferable skills

HU 111

English I





HU 112

English II





HU 313

Human Rights


B8, B17


D9, D10


a.2) Faculty requirements



Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

Knowledge and understanding

Intellectual Skills

Professional and practical skills

General and Transferable skills

MA 111

Mathematics – 1


B2, B3


D3, D4

MA 112

Discrete Mathematics


B2, B3,B4


D3, D4,D7, D12

MA 113

Mathematics – 2




D3, D4

ST 121

Probability and Statistics





IT 111






PH 111






CS 112

Programming – 1

A3,A6, A7,A8


C1, C10

D3, D4, D5

CS 221

Logic Design


B3, B8, B10



CS 214

Data Structures

A7, A8, A9,A12,A13

B3,B7,B8, B15,B22,B23,B24


D3, D4,D10, D13, D14

CS 316


A3, A6 A7,A8,A9, A10

B3,B6, B7, B8,B9, B15,B18, B21


D3, D5, D6, D11

IT 221

Data Communication

A7, A12, A18

B1, B3, B10, B15

C9, C17, C19


IS 240

Operations Research

A3, A5, A6, A22

B2, B4, B8, B14, B19

C11, C12, C14


HU 122

Fundamentals of Management


B14, B17

C3, C12, C13


IS 231

Fundamentals of Information Systems


B14, B15



IS 211

Database System – 1





IT 222

Computer Networks – 1


B3, B8, B9

C2, C5


IT 223

Internet Technology



C6, C7, C8, C18,


CS 241

Operating Systems – 1



C2, C8, C12, C15


CS 251

Software Engineering – 1



C2, C8, C14, C15, C16, C17

D6, D13, D14

CS 213

Programming – 2



C1, C10, C16

D2, D3, D5, D13, D14


a.3) Department requirements



Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

Knowledge and understanding

Intellectual Skills

Professional and practical skills

General and Transferable skills

CS 317

Concepts of Programming Languages

A7, A8, A17

B4, B8, B10, B18


D4, D14

CS 322

Computer Organization

A6, A7, A12


C2, C9

D4, D11

IT 331

Computer Graphics – 1


B2, B9, B15, B19

C10, C17

D6, D13

CS 342

Operating Systems – 2

A7, A11, A12

B3, B15, B21

C2, C11, C15

D4, D6, D8, D13, D14

CS 352

Software Engineering – 2

A19,A20, A21

B1, B5, B10, B11, B15, B20

C1,C2,C4,C7, C16, C14, C15

D6,D8,D11, D13,D14

IT 433


A6, A8

B7, B15, B23


D11, D13,D14

CS 361

Artificial Intelligence


B3, B8,B12 B13, B18, B23


D3, D4, D5,D6,D7, D12,D13

CS 419



B9, B21, B24



CS 498


A8, A20,

B1, B7,B9,B11, B14, B15, B16, B20

C1,C4,C5,C6, C7, C8,C9,C16, C17

D1,D2,D6,D8,D11, D13,D14


b. Elective courses

b.1 General



Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

Knowledge and understanding

Intellectual Skills

Professional and practical skills

General and Transferable skills

HU 121

Fundamentals of Economics

A5,A6, A22




HU 213

English 111





HU 323

Fundamentals of Accounting

A5,A6, A22

B1, B14



HU 331

Communication & Negotiation Skills

A6, A9

B8, B15, B16



HU 332

Creative Thinking

A6, A9,

B8, B12



HU 333

Mass Communication


B16, B17



HU 334

Professional Ethics


B8, B17


D9, D10


b.2 Faculty Elective



Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

Knowledge and understanding

Intellectual Skills

Professional and practical skills

General and Transferable skills

ST 122

Probability and Statistics – 2

A3,A5,A10, A13

B2,B3, B4,B5,B23

C11, C14

D3, D4

IS 351

System Analysis and Design – 1

A5, A9, A13, A24

B8, B11, B14, B17, B20

C2, C4, C7, C12, C13, C16

D6, D8, D14

MA 214

Mathematics –3

A3, A4

B3, B4, B5, B8, B21


D3, D4, D6

IS 321

Projects Management

A20, A22, A24

B1, B11, B16

C4, C7,C13, C14, C16

D4, D8

IT 241

Signals and Systems

A6, A7, A26

B2, B3, B5, B23

C8, C19

D5, D6, D14

IS 342

Simulation Languages

A6, A8, A13

B5, B9, B10, B22


D3, D5, D11, D13, D14

CS 313

Programming –  3

A6, A21

B3, B5, B8, B9, B24

C1, C9, C18

D3, D5, D11, D13, D14

IT 211

Computer Maintenance

A2, A7

B1, B5, B15

C4, C8

D13, D14

IS 241

Modeling and Simulation

A5, A8, A2

B3, B4, B5, B10, B19


D3, D5, D11, D13


b.3 Department elective




Intended Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and understanding

Intellectual Skills

Professional and practical skills

General and Transferable skills

CS 423

Advanced Computer Organization

A6, A12

B1, B5, B24

C2, C9

D4, D5, D6, D13, D14

IT 313

Computer Interfaces

A2, A7

B1, B9, B10

C9, C17

D4, D5, D6, D13

IT 322

Computers Networks – 2

A7, A12, A18

B1, B19

C9, C11

D5, D6, D13, D14

IT 342

Pattern recognition

A3, A4, A7, A14

B3, B8, B18, B13, B23, B22


D3, D4, D5, D6, D13, D14

IS 345

Internet Applications

A8, A18, A25

B7, B9, B14, B15

C2, C4, C11, C12, C13

D2, D8, D9, D13

CS  462

Natural Languages Processing

A9, A15

B3, B9


D3, D4, D5, D13, D14

CS 471

Parallel Processing

A7, A12

B1, B3, B22

C2, C10, C11

D3, D4, D5, D13, D14

CS 318

Assembly Language

A7, A8

B3, B8, B9,B10, B24


D3, D4, D5, D13, D14

IT 444

Computer Vision

A14, A26

B5, B13, B22, B23

C10, C9

D3, D4, D5, D13, D14

IT 441

Image Processing – 1

A14, A26

B2, B3, B8, B21, B22, B23


D3, D4, D5, D13, D14

IS 312

Database Systems – 2


B14, B22, B24

C4, C6

D3, D4, D5, D13, D14

CS 395

Selected Topics in Computer Science- 1


B3, B8, B9, B15, B19

C5, C6, C8

D3, D4, D5, D11, D13

CS 396

Selected Topics in Computer Science 2


B3, B8, B9, B15, B19

C5, C6, C8

D3, D4, D5, D11, D13

CS 495

Selected Topics in Computer Science-3


B3, B8, B9, B15, B19

C5, C6, C8

D3, D4, D5, D11, D13

CS 496

Selected Topics in Computer Science-4


B3, B8, B9, B15, B19

C5, C6, C8

D3, D4, D5, D11, D13

IT 312



B3, B8, B9, B15, B19

C9, C10

D3, D4, D5, D11, D14


6.2 Courses Content

CS 111 Introduction to Computers    حسب 111  مقدمة في الحاسبات 

         Introduction to computer and information systems. Types of computers. Computer hardware and software components. Data representation and number systems. Introduction to networking. Introduction to internet, hardware and software components for internet access. Algorithm development, algorithm representation, stepwise refinement, problem solving tools. Introduction to specialized application areas.


CS 112 Programming – 1                    حسب 112 برمجة الحاسبات-1           

        Structured program development: problem solving decision structure, repetition structures. Top-down and stepwise refinement. Subprograms: Procedures and functions. Structured data types: one–dimension arrays, sets, records, files: text files, random handling files. Dynamic data structures (pointers). Recursion.


CS 213 Programming – 2                                حسب 213 برمجة الحاسبات-2

         Object-oriented programming: data abstraction, encapsulation, classes, objects, templates, operator overloading, function overloading, inheritance, polymorphism, exception handling, and streams.



CS 214 Data Structures            حسب 214 هياكل البيانات                        

        Built-in data structures. Stacks, queues, linked lists, and tree structures. Sorting algorithms, searching algorithms, and hashing. Abstract data types (ADT).


CS 221 Logic Design                                                  حسب 221 تصميم منطقي

        Basic logic concepts: Logic states, number systems, Boolean algebra, basic logical operations, gates and truth tables. Combinational logic: Minimization techniques, multiplexers and de-multiplexers, encoders, decoders, adders and subtractors, comparators, programmable logic arrays and memories, design with MSI, logic families, tri-state devices. Sequential logic: Flip flops, mono-stable multi-vibrators, latches and registers. , Counters .


CS 241 Operating Systems – 1                               حسب 241 نظم التشغيل- 1

          Types of operating systems. Operating Systems structures: system components and services, virtual machines. Process management: CPU scheduling: Scheduling concepts, performance criteria, scheduling algorithm. Memory organization and management for single user and multi-user system. Secondary storage management, Disk scheduling, virtual memory.

CS 251 Software Engineering – 1              حسب 251 هندسة البرمجيات - 1

       Overview of software engineering, software requirement: requirement engineering processes, system models, software prototyping. Design: architecture design, distributed system architecture, object oriented design, user interface design.


CS 313 Programming – 3                                 حسب 313 برمجة الحاسبات-3

        Special-purpose programming languages, real-time languages, text processing languages, web programming, mark-up languages.


CS 316 Algorithms                                                     حسب 316 خوارزميات

        Algorithm concept: Analysis and complexity. Design methods, divide and conquer, binary search, merge sort, quick sort, selection, matrix multiplication, the greedy method. Dynamic programming: shortest paths, optimal search trees. Backtracking. NP-hard and NP-complete problems.



CS 317 Concepts of Programming Languages    

     حسب 317 مفاهيم لغات الحاسب

            Describing syntax and semantics. Identifiers: names, binding, type checking, and scopes. Data types, subprograms and their implementation, concurrency, programming paradigms such as declarative programming, object oriented programming and component programming, parallel and distributed programming.


CS 318 Assembly Language                                       حسب 318 لغة التجميع

       Assembly instructions and addressing: data transfer instructions, arithmetic instructions, logical instructions, conditional and unconditional branch instructions, loop instructions, procedures and procedure calls, macro instructions.

CS 322 Computer Organization                          حسب 322 تنظيم الحاسبات

         Computer basic units organization and design: memory, control, arithmetic and logic unit, input/output. Computer instructions and addressing modes, timing and control, execution cycle of instructions. Input, output and interrupt. Arithmetic processor algorithms. Hardwired versus microprogramming control organization.


CS 342 Operating Systems – 2                       حسب 342 نظم التشغيل- 2

         File systems: File concept, access methods, directory systems, file protection. Processes synchronization: Process Concept, the producer/consumer problem, the critical section problem, semaphores, deadlock, threads, language constructs, inter-process communications. Distributed operating systems: distributed systems structures, distributed file systems, distributed coordination, network structures. Protection and security.


CS 352 Software Engineering – 2             حسب 352 هندسة البرمجيات -2

         Critical systems: dependability, critical systems specification, critical systems development. Verification and validation: software testing, critical system validation. Management: managing people, software cost estimation, quality management, processing improvement. Evolution: legacy systems, software change, software re-engineering. Configuration management.


CS 462 Natural Language Processing        حسب 462 معالجة اللغات الطبيعية

          Introduction to computational linguistics in general and natural language processing in particular. Reviewing background material in linguistics and surveying works on topics such as sub-languages, syntactic analysis, context, discourse analysis, application or world knowledge, machine translation, and text generation. Arabic computational linguistics.


CS 361 Artificial Intelligence                                                                                                 حسب 361 الذكاء الاصطناعي

       Knowledge Representations: Predicate Calculus, Structured Representations, Network Representations. State Space Search: trees and graphs, heuristic search, model based reasoning, case-based reasoning, reasoning with uncertain or incomplete knowledge. Overview of AI languages, Overview of AI Application Areas.


 CS 395 Selected Topics in Computer Science – 1

حسب 395 موضوعات مختارة في علوم الحاسب -  1

          Topics which are not included in the curriculum and seems to be needed should be suggested as an elective course by CS department.

CS 396 Selected Topics in Computer Science – 2

حسب396 موضوعات مختارة في علوم الحاسب - 2

         Topics which are not included in the curriculum and seems to be needed should be suggested as an elective course by CS department.


CS 419 Compilers                                                                                                                    حسب 419 المترجمات

          Syntactical specifications of languages. Lexical analysis. Parsing: top-down parsing, bottom-up parsing, LL-parsers, LR-parsers. Semantic analysis. Intermediate code generation. Error detection and error handling.


CS 423 Advanced Computer Organization                                                                            حسب 423 تنظيم حاسبات متقدم

         Instruction set architecture and micro architecture: design and examples. CPU implementation: data path components, basic pipelining techniques, basic scheduling techniques, dynamic scheduling, branch and target prediction and speculation. Memory system implementation: locality, caches, virtual memory. Vector processors: basic vector architecture, vector length and stride, compiler vectorization.




CS 471 Parallel Processing                            حسب 471 المعالجة علي التوازي

        Interconnection networks: parallel computing and networks, direct and indirect networks, message switching layer, deadlock and live lock and starvation, routing algorithms, collective communication support. Parallel algorithms: BRAM model, basic techniques (balanced tree algorithm, divide and conquer, prefix computations, pointer jumping, partitioning), list and trees (list ranking, symmetry breaking, Euler tour techniques), searching, merging, and sorting algorithms.

CS 495 Selected Topics in Computer Science – 3

حسب 495 موضوعات مختارة في علوم الحاسب -  

           Topics which are not included in the curriculum and seems to be needed should be suggested as an elective course by CS department.

CS 496 Selected Topics in Computer Science – 4

حسب 496 موضوعات مختارة في علوم الحاسب - 4

         Topics which are not included in the curriculum and seems to be needed should be suggested as an elective course by CS department.

CS 498 Project                                                                                                                

حسب 498 مشروع

          This course will continue for two semesters. In the first semester, a group of students will select one of the projects proposed by the department, and analyze the underlying problem. In the second semester, the design and implementation of the project will be conducted.

IS 231 Fundamentals of Information Systems                                                                

نال 231 أساسيات نظم المعلومات

         The main objective of this course is to teach students the fundamental concepts of the Information Systems (IS) and to make them aware of the importance and the role of IS in the organization. The course includes the following topics : The business and its components and environment, the management functions and considerations, the information systems types and components, the Information Technology (IT) and its impact on information systems, the IS development cycle, the information age and the information society, the IT indicators and the digital divide, and the contemporary applications of IT in IS: E-Business, E-Government, E-Commerce,  E-Learning.


IS 211 Database Systems 1                                                                                              

نظم قواعد البيانات 1   نال 211

         The main objective of this course is to provide students with the background to design, implement, and use database management systems. Topics Include:  Evolution of database management systems, Relational Data Model and Relational Algebra, Structured Query Language, Entity Relationship Modeling and Design, ERM to RM Conversion,  Tables Normalization, Forms/ Reports/ Menus Implementation
Upon successful completion of this course, students will have the skills to analyze business requirements and produce a viable model and implementation of a database to meet such requirements.

IS 351 Analysis and Design of Information Systems-1

نال351 تحليل وتصميم نظم المعلومات1

          The aim of this course is to cover the topics related to the upper phases of the Information Systems Development Life Cycle, which are the following: Planning of IS,  the detailed analysis of IS, and the Conceptual design of IS.  Methodologies, techniques, activities, tasks, deliverables and practical experiences related to the execution of these phases will be covered in the course.


IS 321 Project Management  

نال 321 إدارة المشروعات                                                                                                      

          Evaluation, selection, and organization of technical projects. Concepts of the network-based project management methodology. Network development. Project planning, scheduling, and control. Project cost management. Resource constrained projects. A case study approach is adopted during the course. Commercial software packages will be used throughout the course. The course will also introduce some contemporary project management subjects such as: e-projects, and Intelligent project management.


IS 342 Simulation Languages            

نال 342 لغات المحاكاة

           An introduction to simulation languages. Advantages and disadvantages of using simulation languages. Comparison of important features for a number of simulation packages (e.g., modeling flexibility, animation, and statistical capabilities), characteristics of the most popular continuous, discrete, combined and object-oriented simulation languages. Statistical output evaluation, optimization tools, parallel and distributed simulation tools, special purpose simulation languages and tools, visual modeling tools, multimedia, visualization and animation tools, interfaces for coupling with external tools. A more thorough treatment of one of the most popular simulation languages. Main features of the simulation language, practical application example systems in different areas like finance, industry, production, services, and other fields.


IS 241 Modeling and Simulation       

نال 241 النمذجة والمحاكاة

         Fundamentals of computer simulation as a modeling technique are presented. Simulation will be versus mathematical modeling. The value of simulation as an experimental tool to support solving the problem and decision making process. Time management in simulation models (concepts of timing routine). Stochastic versus deterministic models. Discrete versus continuous simulation. Deterministic fixed time advance simulation. Stochastic discrete event simulation (event, activity and process-based models). Random sampling on computers. An overview of statistical methods in simulation experiments. Introduction to software tools for simulation purposes. The development of simulation models using procedural and simulation programming languages is stressed throughout the course.




IS 345 Internet Applications                                  نال 345 تطبيقات الأنترنت

          The Principles of the internet and its protocols, Learning how to design of a simple home page using HTML. DHTML, CSS, the use of script language such as JavaScript and VB Script, The ADO and the XML.


IS 312 Database Systems 2                                       

نظم قواعد البيانات2 نال 312

          The main objective of this course is to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the design and implementation of database systems and the administration features of any DBMS. Topics Include:  Review of Relational model, E-R Diagramming, Normalization, SQL, Review of Relational Algebra, Query Processing and Optimization, Transaction Processing, Concurrency Control and Recovery, Database Security and Authorization, Database Architectures, Distributed Databases: Architecture, Distributed transaction processing, Object Oriented Databases, Data Warehousing: Heterogeneous component systems, data scrubbing, DW Design. On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP). Upon successful completion of this course, students will have advanced skills to effectively develop, implement and manage medium to large-scale database management systems.


IT 111 Electronics – 1                                                                                                    

تقن 111 إلكترونيات - 1 

        Introduction, Insulators, Conductors, Semiconductors, Resistors, Capacitors, Coils, Diodes, Application of diodes, Rectifiers, Power supplies, LEDs, Voltage regulators, Transistors, Amplifiers, Timers, Applications



IT 221 Data Communication 

تقن 221 تراسل البيانات

        Data transmission concepts, Terminology and techniques, Types and sources of data, communication models, Standards. Data Transmission techniques, Transmission media and characteristics. Information theory, Information sources, Information measure, entropy, Source codes: return-to-zero and non-return-to-zero signaling, Analog and digital transmission, Optical fiber systems, Modems, modulation; Transmission impairments, Data encoding techniques, Multiplexing techniques.


IT 222 Computer Networks – 1                                                                                       

تقن 222 شبكات الحاسب - 1

         Definition and objectives, Classifications, topologies, Architecture, standards, Applications, ISO-OSI model, Switching techniques, Error detection and Correction, Network protocols, Routing strategies and techniques, Flow control, Congestion control , Public switched data network. Internetworking  ; Introduction to ISDN and B-ISDN.





IT 223 Internet Technology                                                                                             

تقن 223 تكنولوجيا الانترنت  

         Networking essentials, Internet TCP/IP suit, Internet domains, Addressing, Internet infrastructure and infostructare, Internet protocols, Internet hardware components, Internet accessing, Internet and Extranet, Video conferencing over Internet, Mailing Voice over IP; Multimedia communication over Internet, Audio, Video streaming Website design and application.

IT 241 Signals and Systems   

تقن 241 اشارات ونظم 

        Introduction to continuous time and discrete time signals and systems, linear time invariant systems, Fourier transform for continuous and discrete time signals, Sampling theorem, Laplace transform, Z-Transform, transfer function; State apace representation; Applications  

 IT 211 Computer Maintenance                           تقن 211: صيانة الحاسب

            The course will introduce the student to computer components and to electronic measuring equipment. Students will learn to use the oscilloscope for signal analysis. Explanation of the types of common failures in computers. Application in reading software packages for computer failure detection and diagnosis


IT 331 Computer Graphics – 1                                                   تقن 331 نظم الرسم بالحاسب

         Introduction to Computer Graphics ; Overview of Graphics systems; Line drawing algorithms; Circle drawing algorithms; Ellipse drawing algorithms; Area filling algorithms ; Polygon filling algorithms; Line clipping algorithms; Polygon clipping algorithms; Two dimensional transformations; (translation – rotation – scaling – general transformations – composite transformations); Three dimensional object representation and Projections; Three dimensional modeling and transformations (translation – rotation – scaling – sheer – reflection – composite); Three dimensional Viewing and Camera Model.


IT 433 Multimedia                                                                          تقن 433 الوسائط المتعددة

          Introduction to Multimedia systems ; Digital Audio; Digital Video; Lossy and lossless data compression; Predictive Coding techniques ; Transform coding techniques; Scalar and vector quantization ; Entropy Encoding ; Huffman coding ; Arithmetic Coding ; Adaptive techniques ; Dictionary based coding (LZ77 – LZ78 – LZW); JPEG compression; Motion estimation and compensation in video; MPEG compression; Wavelet coding; Introduction to multimedia Database; Network considerations  for multimedia transmission.


IT 313 Computer Interfacing                                                      تقن 313 مواجهات الحاسبات

        Review of Logic design basics (Flip-Flops, decoders, multiplexers, and counters). Opto-couplers and opto-isolators ; Relays and driving circuits ; Introduction to stepper and servo motors ;  Analog components for computer interfacing ; Signal  conditioning ; Memory Read/Write bus cycles ; Input/Output Bus power characteristics ; Hardware interrupts and interrupt controllers ; Direct memory access ; Addressing of memory I/O ; Timers and counters ; RS 232 Interface ; USB Interface ; Introduction to assembly language ; Microprocessor basic instruction set.


IT 322 Computer Network – 2                                                تقن 322 شبكات الحاسبات - 2 

        Difference between LANs/MANs and WANs; Transmission media; LAN/MANs topologies: Bus; Tree; Ring; Star Protocol Architecture;  Logical link control (LLC); Medium access control (MAC)-LLC Services;  LLC Protocols; Flow control; Error control; Ethernet (IEEE 802.11, CSMA/CD);  Frame Component – MAC protocol – 10 Mbps Ethernet – 100 Mbps Ethernet – Gigabit Ethernet; Token ring;  Frame component – MAC protocol – Token priority – Token Maintenance;. FDDI: Frame component – MAC protocol – Token priority - Token Maintenance , Ring Maintenance;  Internetworking: Bridge, Router.


IT 342 Pattern Recognition                                                        تقن 342 التعرف على الأنماط

         Introduction; Probability theory : Bayes’ rule; Parameter estimation; Statistical decision making: discriminate functions;  measures of classification performance and measures of classification risk; Non-parametric decision making: Adaptive discriminate functions; Minimum squared error discriminate functions; Clustering techniques: Hierarchical clustering, Partitioning clustering; Artificial neural networks Hopfield nets- Other PR systems: Syntactic pattern recognition; Hidden Markov Model based;  Application examples.


IT 444 Computer Vision                                                                 تقن 444 الرؤية بالحاسب

           Image formation and image Models: Geometric camera models and calibration; Radiometry; Early vision from Just one Image; Linear filters; Edge detection; Texture; Early vision from Multiple images;  Geometry of multiple views ; Stereopsis ; Affine structure from motion; Projective structure from motion;  Mid-Level vision: Segmentation by clustering; Segmentation by fitting a model;  High-level vision;  Geometric methods; Model-based vision;  Smooth surfaces and their outlines; Aspect graphs ;  Range data.


IT 441 Image Processing – 1                                                       تقن 441 معالجة الصور - 1

           Digital image fundamentals; Image enhancement in the spatial domain : grey level transformation; Histogram processing ; Spatial filters; Image enhancement in frequency domain: 2-D Fourier transform; Other transforms;  Smoothing filters; Sharpening filters ; Image restoration; Noise model; Estimating the degradation function; Wiener filter; Geometric transformations; Image segmentation: detection of discontinuities; edge linking and boundary detection; Thresholding; Region based segmentation ; Morphological image processing : operation concepts ; some basic algorithms. 


IT 312 Microprocessor                                                                    تقن 312 المعالجات الدقيقة


         Introduction to Microprocessor;  Basic microprocessor architecture; Segmented and paged memory models; Memory Read/Write bus cycles; Input/Output Bus; DMA bus cycles;  Systems bus signals; Modes of operations (Real mode; Protected mode; and Virtual machine mode);  Microprocessor registers; Interrupt system;  DMA system; Memory addressing modes;  Data movement instructions;  Program control instructions; Arithmetic and logic Instructions; Building a complete system.



7- Program Admission Requirements

Thanaweya Amma (Science or Mathematics) or an equivalent certificate, with grades specified by the Supreme Council of Universities.


8- Regulations for progression and programme completion

·      For applying in this program, the student should pass two levels (level 1 & level 2). The student should fill an application by the end of the 4th semester to choose the program he/she wishes to join.

·      The student is promoted to the next higher level if his GPA and credit hours are sufficient to that level.

9- Teaching, learning and Assessment

A variety of teaching methods are used. While some professors use classical white board and pen as their major medium of instruction, an increasing number are moving to utilize the more advanced IT-based media like PowerPoint presentations. Students are encouraged to participate in group work. This is due to the fact that large information system development is possible only by team work.

Assessment of students is based, in the first place, upon examinations. The course catalogue defines explicitly the methods of assessment for each course. All courses carry the same weight (100 marks). In general terms, marks for courses with no lab components (e.g. Humanities) are distributed as 40% for the semester work and 60% for the final written exam. Marks of courses with computer lab are distributed as: 40% for the semester work, 10% for the lab. exam.(just before the final exam. period), and 50% for the final written exam. An exception to the above mentioned is the graduation project course where 50 marks are given to the semester work and the other 50 marks are given to the presentation, documentation, and oral exam. Students are given one extra month after the final year exams. in order to complete their projects. Very few instructors allow open book exams. The semester work is assessed based on assignments, mid-term exam, quizzes, lab work, seminar presentations, and project reports. The course instructor has the full freedom in determining the methods used for assessing the semester work. A common practice is to distribute the 40 marks for the semester work among a mid-term exam that carries 20 or 15 marks. The rest of marks are given to the assignments, presentations, and reports submitted by students during the semester. Some of the instructors give 5 marks or so for the attendance. By law, any student who fails in attending at least 75% of the lectures, tutorials, and labs should not be allowed to attend the final semester written and lab exams.

10- Evaluation of programme intended learning outcomes




1- Senior students

Questionnaires, graduate achievement test

2- Alumni


3- Stakeholders (Employers)

Meeting sessions

4- External Evaluator(s) (External Examiner(s))


5- Other




Programme Coordinator:        Prof.Dr. Iraqy Khalifa



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